A perfect storm of tooling hit me with a difficult to decipher error this morning zsh bus error mix
. Others seem to have had similar woes and I was able to decipher a clean reproducible solution.
The tooling needed to run into this issue:
- Mac upgraded to Sonoma
- Using
to manageerlang
- Using
# upgrade some system dependencies, and asdf itself
brew update
brew upgrade # mostly to update asdf, can target specifically with `brew upgrade asdf` instead
# remove existing erlang and elixir installs, reshimming won't cut it so let's start fresh it doesn't take long
asdf plugin-remove erlang
asdf plugin-remove elixir
# reinstall those plugins
asdf plugin add erlang [https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-erlang.git](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-erlang.git)
asdf plugin-add elixir [https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir.git](https://github.com/asdf-vm/asdf-elixir.git)
# now let's install the versions App needs of erlang and elixir
cd ./where-my-repos-are/app
export KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--disable-debug --without-javac" # recommended step by asdf erlang's readme
asdf install # pulls from app's .tool-versions
# done! try it out
mix deps.get